Our journey in the fields of broken dreams is getting more complicated. It is 1937 all over again except our industrial base is somewhere else in the world.
President Obama sent out a four page letter asking for money for the Democratic National Committee. I no longer vote for either major party because there really is only one party and it should be called the Globalist Free traders Party. The elder Pres. Bush put the free trade programstogether while announcing the New World Order. Pres. Clinton followed and has his Democrat controlled congress pass the programs. Pres Bush, the son, came and activated more while putting on his "shock and awe" wars that took American eyes off of what he was doing behind the scenes with the globalist free traders and money changers. Pres. Obama followed the Pres Bush and bailed out the money changers and Wall Street interests that caused the problems and put them back in charge of the economic mess due to free trade. He attends international money leaders meetings and uses the phrase the New World Order regarding the global money crisis.
It is 1937 all over again, with the stimulus packages and bail outs failing back then but there is one big difference in the mix. There is no industrial base to trigger like President Roosevelt did when he launched the Lend Lease program. He said that he would not let the lack of dollars stand in his way. Then World War 2 came and created the most awesome industrial might in history. Fifty years after the fact, the U.S. loses World War 2 by shredding its industrial power into pieces. It is like shredding paper. It is virtually impossible to put it together again. And with the U.S. industrial might gone, all comparable statistics and economic data has to questioned. America is now like Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty fell off the Wall and all the Kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again! Yet, our leaders and the media keep using all the old language and comparisons in debating how to restore our economy. Not much can be compared or put into the frame of statistics because our industrial base is gone. The trillions of dollars pumped into the economy will not work because there is no longer any real economy left. Our economies based on making money on money instead of making things is burning out. All the funny money and manipulations by the Federal Reserve Bank will not work and just add more fuel to the fire. Trying to fix things with the usual system of raising taxes and cutting budgets is like trying to put a forest fire out with a bucket of water.
Not once did President Obama mention free trade in the letter he sent out asking for money. He ignores the fact that free trade is the major cause of our economic crisis since the value of workers and labor has been deflated to a point where it can no longer support the needs of our society. The value of workers and labor acted as a real money standard and now that value is gone too. The money products created through it are now just a mirage and a ponzi scheme future generations will have to deal with. U.S. is now a debtor nation but the debts being closely connected to the free trade money products may prove to be worthless. If this is true, China is not going to be very happy with this deal down the road a few years from now.
The next economic time bomb is ticking and still there are few leaders in the world who want to admit it.
Now the liberals have mixed big government with big money. The identity of the private sector is now blurred with the government brokers and dealers involved. All bets are off in any comparisons with the past. It is not Socialism but some kind of new "ism" that should have been branded as Globalism by now. Democrat governors are trying to suck out the last bit of taxes from rocks. Conservative governors with several coming from the money changer ranks are trying to cut and cut programs and benefits. No austerity program can match the magnitude of the trillions of dollars that kidnapped future generations. It is a now way out situation. Old political ways and slogans must fade away as people of good will need to start all over again from the bottom up. Doing it from the top down will not work.
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